Grade 6

Welcome to Grade 6!

Grade 6 brings many new challenges and routines to school life. Students will be transitioning between classes and teachers for different subjects. The different expertise of our teachers allows for a more authentic and in depth education.

Our grade 6 team is made up of:

  • Mrs. Susanne Moskal - Language Arts, Social Studies (6M)
  • M. Barb Chubey - Math, Science (6C)
  • Ms. Holly Proll - Language Arts, Social Studies (6P/6S)
  • Ms. Sollecito - Math, Science (6P/6S)


Outdoor School

Provincial Assessment Test (PAT) Information

Frequently Asked Questions

During this year we focus on helping students move into the middle school atmosphere and to take responsibility for their own learning by helping them make positive choices regarding school work, test preparation, organization, and behavior.  As a school we use the Mind Up program to support students in making good choices in life. All information of the Mind Up program is located on our counselors web site.

Throughout the year students will experience and hopefully learn how to manage their workload and organize themselves so that the work doesn’t become overwhelming. They will notice an increase in responsibility for their own learning.  We also give them opportunities for leadership and mentorship within the school.

Some of the typical challenges in this grade are: the transitioning of students into the middle school routine, lockers, classroom switches, academic choices - incomplete assignments, independently monitoring own productivity in the classroom, becoming a self-advocate, and taking leadership. Grade 6 is a difficult year where some students desire to interact with older students but may lack the maturity to do so.  We also find that some students find it difficult to let go of elementary behaviours, which at a grade 6 level, interfere with their learning.  Throughout all this, we coach students in decision-making, allowing them to make choices and living by those choices in a caring atmosphere.

** Due to Covid - 19, many of these events and transitions are not happening. Please see the most up - to - date Covid 19 procedures on our website.

The curriculum guides and expectations for students are located on our grade tab on our website.  However, you can expect that students will be responsible for completing assignments to the best of their ability. If assignments or projects are not “handed in”, these items will eventually become “0”s in our Grade Book.  We have an Accountability System that gives students the opportunity to work through missed assignments and allow them to take responsibility for their learning. In keeping with our 21st Century commitment, students will be able to use multiple mediums to show their work, (i.e. Google documents, iMovies, inquiry projects, handmade projects, Power Points, and much more). They will also be expected to change into gym strip for all gym classes-this includes separate gym shoes that are not to be worn outside, as well as outdoor gear as we utilize our outdoor space all year long. You can expect your child to bring schoolwork that is not completed in class almost daily.

The primary mode of communication for the school as a whole is our Newsletters, Website and Email.  This communication is for informational items on school activities, initiatives, and items needing your response.  In our grade level you can expect an updated homework calendar for each teacher on the school website, email communication with parents regarding upcoming events, missed assignments, or issues in the classroom. All the grade 6 teacher calendars are linked, meaning that you can go to the calendar of your child's homeroom teacher to see all their homework and upcoming tests and project due dates. Links to all assignments, rubrics, and study guides can be found on each teacher's page. Some teachers are using Google Classroom and some are using Moodle as a platform for students to access and turn in assignments. Those links are available on each teacher's page as well. Parents are also able to view their child’s current grade on Power Parent. This will also inform parents of any missed assignments. You will receive a letter home in September outlining how to sign up. You can also call the office any time if you need assistance with the system,

Each student signs the Internet RVS Policy which clearly states the expectations of students. Generally speaking, students are not permitted to have cell phones with them in class.  Students are able to use various forms of technology to represent their learning in class.  We encourage students to think ‘outside the box’ when working on Inquiry Projects and Problem Based Projects given by their teacher.

Students in grade 8 and 9 require their own computer as they are in a one-to-one environment. Please see read the information on one-to-one and the safety course that accompanies it at by going to our web site. In Grade 6 all technology that students will be expected to use in school will be provided to them.

The May-June Grade 6 Provincial Achievement Tests will be a regular, full administration across the province

During the exam week, students in grade 6-8 are expected to write their exams and continue with their options and other courses.

  • Outdoor School (May/June) - Usual cost is $325)
  • Exploratory courses - drama, art, band, technology, foods, industrial arts
  • An introduction to Academic Accountability System
  • Need to have a change of clothes for PE
  • Introduction to lockers
  • Participation in middle school activities - dances, fine arts, athletics
  • No outside morning recess - replaced with inside break
  • Students require off campus permission form to leave the grounds for lunch
  • Various other curriculum related trips

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.