Grade 2


Frequently Asked Questions

During this grade 2 year we focus on helping students to continue on their journey toward developing strong base skills in literacy, numeracy, and independent work habits.

Throughout the year students will experience a variety of learning opportunities in the curriculum and develop a mastery foundation in the above skills.

Some typical challenges in this year are the different range of abilities as well as the different rate of student development in literacy and numeracy. Students may require extra assistance at home and at school to support their progress. In addition, students are developing socially and emotionally at different rates so students may encounter other challenges aside from academic learning which we will work through as necessary. The school Child Development Advisor may be involved to support students as well.

Our goal is to build a community of learners where:

  • we support and encourage each other
  • we maintain a positive learning environment
  • every learner has roles and responsibilities
  • we put forth our best effort consistently

The curriculum guides and expectations for students are located on our grade tab on our website.  However, you can expect that your child will need to practice reading 15 to 20 minutes at home 3 to 4 times a week. Practicing basic math facts to 18 for quick recall throughout the year is essential. From time to time other projects related to curriculum may come home throughout the year.

The primary mode of communication for the school as a whole is our Newsletters, Website and Email.  This communication is for informational items on school activities, initiatives, and items needing your response.  In our grade level you can expect a daily agenda message, occasional paper notices and weekly updates on classroom activities on teacher websites.

  • We have lunch in our classrooms
  • Technology in our classroom includes laptops, iPads and the classroom smart board
  • Students often reach their “take off” point in reading during their grade 2 year
  • Typically by the end of Grade 2 most students are reading at grade level
  • We focus on developing self-assessment skills where students reflect on their learning goals and set goals for growth and improvement

Volunteers play a very important role in helping us to provide a quality education for all students. Moms, dads, and grandparents are certainly welcome. Volunteers may be asked to prepare classroom materials, read with students, prepare bulletin boards, photocopy materials, serve hot lunches, help in the library, accompany students on field trips etc. There are requirements in place for volunteers.Please click here for more information.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.